why can t dogs eat chocolate

Posted by Unknown  |  Tagged as:

 why can t dogs eat chocolate
The chocolate is highly toxic to dogs due to containing theobromine. It is a stimulant that affects the nervous system and the heart muscle , and increased frequency of urination.

Dogs can not metabolize theobromine as efficiently as humans. This allows to build up in your system until it reaches toxic levels of concentration . This can lead to a variety of health problems, including death from heart failure.
 why can t dogs eat chocolate

 why can t dogs eat chocolate

The smaller the dog weighs more than you should be concerned about toxicity levels are higher.

 why can t dogs eat chocolate
 Here is a list of other foods that can be very toxic to dogs :
  • Sugarless candies
  • Raw salmon
  • Onion (large quantities)
  • garlic (large quantities)
  • Grapes
  • Raisins
  • Mushrooms
  • Missletoe berries (we normally don't pay any attention to these during the holidays but our pets do!)
  • Caffeine
    Berries Missletoe (not normally have the attention during the holidays, but our pets do!)

Of course , there are normal things to take care of your family as well as antifreeze, rat poison, paint thinners, cleaning fluids, etc. , so if you have a pet in your home take precautions as if you had a small child in your home to protect yourself from this type of toxins as well .
why can t dogs eat chocolate



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