What do lions eat ?

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What do lions eat ?

A lion eating these wild animals have big appetites : a lioness have to eat 11 pounds of meat per day , a man needs about 15 pounds and a half

Find out what you eat the king of the jungle.

When the Lions look for food ?

What do lions eat

What do lions eat

Lions are known as kings of the jungle, but actually live in the savannas and grasslands of Africa and India. Lions can be seen in almost all major zoos, and live up to 20 years in captivity. In nature, life is between 10 and 14 years.

Lions are social animals that live in groups called prides . A pride consists of several related females and their children , and a couple of dollars . When grown young men , who are expelled from the pride of his mother to go alone.


Lions are wild animals, and females ( lionesses ) do most of the hunting . They hunt in groups and bring the meat home for pride. Lionesses are some of the most skilled hunters in the animal world , and much of the first art of mankind represents the lion as the hunter . Men's singles Lions do not have their own pride hunt .

What do lions eat ?
Lions hunt and eat other large mammals. In Africa , lions eat wildebeest , warthogs , zebras , buffalo and various antelopes . In India , the lions eat several species of deer and wild boar .

Lionesses hunt in packs can kill fully grown species of prey animals . Usually adults do not attack buffalo adult male or female giraffes because they are large enough to pose a risk of injury. Rhinos , hippos and elephants are too large, and lions are generally attack when these animals are starving .

A lioness has to eat 11 pounds of meat per day , a man needs about 15 pounds and a half. What do lions eat ? They eat meat , and lots of it .



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