what do turtles eat?

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 what do turtles eat?
If you're a new turtle owner, chances are, you are wondering what to feed a turtle. Depending on the age and specie of your reptilian pet, there are many variations on what to feed a turtle. One primary rule of thumb that you have to comply with is to feed your turtle something similar to what he or she is more likely to eat in the wild.

There are three kinds of turtles - those that are carnivorous in nature, those who rely heavily on plant food sources or herbivores, and there are also omnivorous groups of turtles. To properly know what to feed a turtle, you have to first determine what turtle specie you're taking care of. Additionally, you should identify the natural habitat where your pet used to reside as this issue also determines its diet along with its other care needs.

Turtles may be expensive to feed since they are exotic pets, and most pet stores do not have a complete line of foods appropriate for such creatures. With that said, replicating the natural diet of turtles is probably the best feeding solution you can do to make sure that your critter will live a healthier life. By and far, these reptiles eat a wide variety of foods that are in season. Variety is an important key that you need to think about when thinking about what to feed a turtle.


what do turtles eat?

what do turtles eat?

Concentrate on feeding your pet with natural products that contain adequate amount of minerals like vitamin D3, calcium, and phosphorous. Although turtles get sufficient phosphorous from what they eat, more often than not their intake of calcium is lacking, which means you have to concentrate on giving your pet with calcium-rich food sources similar to egg shells that are boiled and crushed, cuttlebone, and crushed oyster shells.
An excessive amount of protein can negatively affect the kidney functions of your pet and can also cause deformities on its shell. Therefore, refrain from foods that are high in protein such as dog or cat foods as well as meats that humans eat. Protein will not cause any harm to your turtle as long as it is fed sparingly with other meals. The main rule right here is not to overuse a single type of food.

Turtles, especially the herbivorous species, also enjoy a diet full of fruits and vegetables. You can provide your turtle with bananas, strawberries and greens such as romaine lettuce, turnip greens, or dandelion greens. Remember that a diet that is optimal for one type of turtle may be dangerous to another specie. For example, you will want to stay away from feeding fruits to desert-type of turtles as fruits could make them sick, or give them diarrhea.

Basically, what to feed a turtle largely depends on its age, specie, and natural habitat. In the wild turtles do not get to feed on fancy foods that pet owners provide to them. Hence, it's in your best interest to become educated before you interact your pet in a specific diet.
what do turtles eat?
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com



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