can dogs eat tomatoes?

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can dogs eat tomatoes? Yes , dogs can eat tomatoes . Tomatoes are toxic and are generally quite safe to feed dogs. Most dogs are not getting enough tomato plants to cause a problem .As humans , we are aware of the benefits of tomatoes and the importance of having as part of a well balanced diet . Tomatoes contain a powerful antioxidant called lycopene - known to decrease the risk of degenerative diseases and certain cancers. Tomatoes are also an excellent source of vitamin A and C. But it looks like a dog's digestive system , urinary and nervous not need or does not respond to the advantage of tomatoes as humans. In fact , you can have a very negative effect . Some say that the tomato sauce would kill all the toxins from the heat of the kitchen , but like some humans , ketchup contains a lot of sensitive stomach acid .
can dogs eat tomatoes
can dogs eat tomatoes

can dogs eat tomatoes ? Sometimes when dogs have an upset stomach , it is recommended to feed them chopped tomato , but not much.Precautions to feed the dogs TomatoesThat said, the tomato plants are deadly for dogs. Tomato plants are in the nightshade family and contain tomatine . Tomatina is found in concentrations of up to 5% in green leafy vegetables , flowers, fruits and small green tomatoes , this concentration decreases rapidly as the tomato ripens . When you eat the stems , vines and green fruits , clinical signs may include gastrointestinal irritation , ataxia and weakness. Treatment is purely supportive with a good overall prognosis .Symptoms of tomato toxicity may include vomiting, excessive salivation , constipation or diarrhea , closed the central nervous system, muscle weakness , dilated pupils, difficulty breathing . This intake toxicity is not well absorbed by the intestine of dogs and causes disruption of least surprise , stomach and intestinal .



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