can dogs eat honey

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can dogs eat honey? Yes , dogs can eat honey . Honey is safe and good for the dogs as well as people . Although the dog's digestive system is different and people can not easily digest human food , the dog can easily digest and absorb the honey.(can dogs eat honey)

The Honey is a widely used , not only because it is the sweetener and seasoning , but because honey contains a variety of vitamins and micro - nutrients that benefit the health of the dog. Drink water with honey may help the saddle as Honey Lemon is rich in vitamin A can improve the production of gastric juices and digestion.
(can dogs eat honey)
(can dogs eat honey)
(can dogs eat honey)

Honey has antioxidant and anti- bacteria capability , so that honey can help cure and prevent free radicals that damage cells. In addition , honey is the best weapon to deal with allergies.(can dogs eat honey)

Do not feed the puppies with honey. Honey contains traces of pollen and Clostridium botulinum, the puppy does not have to fight this Abitur bacteria that can lead to poisoning. When the puppy grows, the bacterial populations healthy living effectively in the gut can bind and kill the bacteria Clostridium botulinum. Honey is good for adult dogs, but do not let it eat your little puppy .
(can dogs eat honey)

In conclusion , honey is good for dogs. Like other food for humans, dogs can not eat much honey , high consumption can cause diarrhea , even obesity . A teaspoon of honey per day is enough for dogs.
(can dogs eat honey)



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